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Bruin Biometrics LLC Logo

Direct Sales and Support of Provizio® SEM Scanner

Bruin Biometrics now provides direct sales, clinical, health-economic, and IT services to Provizio® SEM Scanner clients.

Read the announcement here.

Close-up view of the Provizio SEM Scanner, a handheld device for assessing pressure injury risk.

Provides objective pressure injury assessment

Enables anatomy specific interventions

Indicates increased risk 5 days* earlier than visual skin assessment regardless of skin tone.1,2

Digitalizing the Care Pathway

Objective assessment of pressure injury risk

Captured and tracked in real-time

Integrated seamlessly to EMR

Provizio SEM Scanner device displayed with a digital screen showing 'Left Heel 0.00,' used for pressure ulcer detection
Computer monitor displaying a line graph analysis from the Gateway Dashboard, used for tracking patient skin health
Tablet showing an electronic medical record interface from the Gateway Dashboard, enhancing patient data accessibility.

*Median. 1. Okonkwo H. et al. (2020). A blinded clinical study using a subepidermal moisture biocapacitance measurement device for early detection of pressure injuries. Wound Repair and Reg 2020;1-11. 2. Bates-Jensen, B. M., Mccreath, H. E. & Pongquan, V. 2009. Subepidermal moisture is associated with early pressure ulcer damage in nursing home residents with dark skin tones: pilot findings. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs, 36, 277-84.

Modernize your care pathway

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