February 20, 2023
In an exciting update the SEM delta(Δ) values from the Provizio® SEM Scanner can now transfer all the way through to PointClickCare® (PCC) Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems via the Gateway Dashboard.
EMRs are digital versions of the paper charts in clinician offices, clinics, and hospitals. EMRs contain notes and information collected by and for the clinicians and are mostly used by providers for diagnosis and treatment.
Healthcare Facilities in the US and Canada that use PCC’s EMR system can now go onto the PCC Marketplace and request our solution for their use. The next EMR integrations in our roadmaps will be covering Europe and further afield.
This update adds to the digital pathway Bruin Biometrics has created in pressure injury prevention data that started with the Provizio® SEM Scanner and advanced to the Gateway Dashboard. Healthcare providers can now easily track patient/ward/facility level SEM delta (Δ) data enabling easy identification of patients at risk of developing pressure injuries.
Contact your local Arjo salesperson to assist in your Provizio® SEM Scanner EMR integration: here >