February 15, 2023
New Gap Analysis – Full Clinical Summary
Title: Pressure Injury Prevention and Management- A Gap Analysis Using Key Stakeholder Engagement
Date: October 2022 in Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing
Authors: Joyce Pittman, Jo Ann Otts, Bettina Riley, Madhuri S. Mulekar
Study Type: Participatory Action Research – Behavioral Science
Aim: To examine pressure injury prevention and management (PIPM) practices in an academic acute care setting. Specific aims were to (1) develop and examine key stakeholder engagement regarding PIPM practices, (2) develop a valid/reliable gap analysis instrument, and (3) conduct a gap analysis of current PIPM practices.
Note: Item-CVIs of 0.78 or higher indicate excellent content validity, a measure of how relevant the consensus statement is to the given question or topic of interest.
Results and Key Findings
What Does This Mean?
SEM is being considered a key technology in pressure injury prevention practices.
SEM is included as a key technology in the highest priority rating evidence-based practice; quality equipment and technology available for patients and staff.
Inclusion of SEM in a validated PIP gap analysis tool as a quality technology, for routine skin assessments, for darkly pigmented skin and for EHR standardization is supported by a high evidence-based rating and a high priority rating.
Reference: Pittman, J., Otts, J.A., Riley, B. and Mulekar, M.S., 2022. Pressure Injury Prevention and Management: A Gap Analysis Using Key Stakeholder Engagement. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 49(5), pp.416-427.