August 18, 2022
Sub-epidermal Moisture: The Cause; The Science: The Challenges And Opportunities
Learn about the aetiology of pressure ulcers from Professor Amit Gefen who will share details of the inflammatory damage cascade, how localised oedema or sub-epidermal moisture (SEM) occurs and how technology can play a part in identifying the presence of localised oedema/SEM to enable early intervention in order to help prevent PUs.
Prof Zena Moore will then discuss the science supporting the role of SEM or localised oedema in PU prevention – how awareness of raised levels of SEM or localised oedema can enable early interventions helping to reduce the incidence of PUs in a variety of care segments
Finally, Dr Oozageer Gunowa will focus on the challenges of PU prevention in dark skin tone patients and the opportunity technology brings to a subjective care pathway especially in patients with dark skin tones.
Enter your details below to register your interest and be in with a chance of winning a copy of the Prevention and Treatment of pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline 2019 International Guidelines.