February 17, 2021
Following Arjo’s appointment as the exclusive distributor for the Provizio SEM Scanner. Bruin Biometrics are delighted to announce that the Provizio SEM Scanner is now part of Arjo’s pressure injury prevention strategy.
Delivering objective and anatomically-specific pressure injury risk assessment, the Provizio SEM Scanner ensures a 5-day*1 window of opportunity to deploy a targeted and tailored pressure injury prevention strategy that helps minimise pressure injury incidence and reduce overall cost and time to care.2-3
“Few medical conditions ever present themselves to an attainable and near-term preventative solution as pressure injuries. Realizing the outcome of preventing preventable pressure injuries benefits millions of patients affected and tens of thousands who die from related complications every year. Economic savings through prevention extend to many tens of billions of dollars annually”, says Martin Burns, CEO of BBI. “Pressure injury incidence can and should be reduced. Arjo’s knowledge, expertise and scale will enable many patients and their families, providers, and payors to benefit from this solution worldwide,” adds Burns.
Contact your local Arjo team for more information on deploying Arjo’s targeted and tailored pressure injury prevention strategy to help minimise pressure injury
* Median
1. Okonkwo H., et al. (2020). A blinded clinical study using subepidermal moisture biocapacitance measurement device for early detection of pressure injuries. Wound Repair & Reg (online) 1-11. Available at; https://doi.org/10.1111/wrr.12790 (Accessed 21 January 2020) 2. Padula W., et al. (2020). The cost-effectiveness of subepidermal moisture scanning to access pressure injury in U.S. health systems. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management. 0(0) 1-9 3. Gefen A., et al. (2020). Modelling the cost-benefits arising from technology-aided early detection of pressure ulcers. Wounds International. Vol 11:1 pp12-17