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A Movement for Change in Pressure Injury/Ulcer Prevention

Arjo are the Exclusive Global Distributor for Provizio® SEM Scanner. They are ready to assist and support you with all your pressure injury/ulcer prevention requirements.

Contact your local team below and start your patients along a modernised care pathway, discharging them safely with their skin intact.

Pressure injuries/ulcers (PI/Us) remain an incipient disease state which cause pain and distress for the patient and places healthcare facilities at risk of significant costs.

To achieve safe discharge with intact skin:

News articles

Previous articles

Are PI/Us really an issue in healthcare today?

Let’s take a look at some facts...

develop a stage 1 PU whilst almost a 1/4 develop a stage 3 or 41,2

develop a PI/U in US per annum3

incidence rate in dark skin tone patients compared to white skin tone patients4

reported in Europe5

Annual cost of PI/Us to the US healthcare system6

Annual cost of PI/Us to the UK healthcare system7

Why in 2022 is this still the case?

Part of the answer is a need to drive a change in mentality to recognise the full impact of PI/Us on patients, the healthcare team and healthcare providers.

An immediate change in the standard of care is also required.

Why, in 2022, are manual and subjective tests still conducted? Which are especially unsuited to patients with dark skin tone?

One such activity is assessing for skin redness – Red Isn’t Right in PI/U risk assessment – time to change and embrace innovation today!

Sign up and join your peers in A Movement For Change now.

Sign up to join your peers in A Movement For Change - in your facility, for your patients, with your providers.