Bruin Biometrics LLC Logo
Bruin Biometrics LLC Logo


Find out more about Provizio® SEM Scanner news here

Bruin Biometrics is a platform company focused on digital solutions for pressure injury prevention and management, founded in 2009 and headquartered in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Bruin Biometrics are world leaders in pressure injury prevention, we are the inventors of Provizio® SEM Scanner, its manufacturer, the group behind much of the science of SEM and Provizio® SEM Scanner. We have a highly experienced management team based in the US and UK.

Bruin Biometrics platform offering includes its Provizio® SEM Scanner and its Pressure Injury Prevention Personal Assistant (PIPPA).

Provizio® SEM Scanner is a medical device used for early identification of increased risk of pressure injuries and for guiding treatment of pressure injuries.

PIPPA is a digital tool that works in concert with the Provizio® SEM Scanner (and other technologies) to support healthcare practitioners by enhancing the power of Provizio® SEM Scanner data, providing real time access to patient skin & tissue health status while augmenting monitoring patient progression all in real time, integrating with EMRs via cloud architecture.

Our core values are:

Innovative Technology

Using technology to generate sub-clinical data and modernize care pathways

Collaborative Approach

Empowering practitioners and institutions to improve their experiences and patient outcomes

Evidence-based Results

Ensuring scientific rigor and actionable results support everything we do


November 19, 2020

TIME has revealed its annual list of the 100 Best Inventions for 2020- BBI are delighted to announce that the Provizio SEM Scanner was included in this highly prestigious and sort after listing!

TIME Magazine 100 Best Inventions 2020

October 8, 2020

Bruin Biometrics LLC (BBI), has agreed for Arjo (ARJO-B.ST), a market-leading supplier of medical devices and solutions, to acquire an equity stake in Bruin Biometrics. Arjo is appointed an exclusive distributor for BBI’s pressure ulcer assessment device, the SEM Scanner.

Logo for Arjo Australia who have signed a joint marketing agreement with BBI (Europe) Ltd

September 28, 2020

Martin Burns, CEO had the pleasure of talking to one of the US’s most long standing public affairs radio shows earlier this month.

Martin Burns CEO of BBI

June 24, 2020

BBI have stood ready to help our clinical customers during this extraordinary COVID-19 pandemic by donating ~$3m worth of SEM Scanners to aid PI/PU prevention.

SEM Scanner 200

June 12, 2020

As explained by Aglecia Budri, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.

RCSI logo

June 11, 2020

Senior nurses from Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth have published an interesting paper examining whether the use of barriers creams affect the readings clinicians collect when using SEM Scanner.

NHS Portsmouth hospitals NHS trust

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