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BBI announce new SEM Scanner foundational publication in JWC

Evaluating the sensitivity, specifity and clinical utility of algorithms of spatial variation in sub-epidermal moisture (SEM) for the diagnosis of deep and early-stage pressure-induced tissye damage.

BBI are delighted to announce a new publication in the January 2021 edition of the Journal of Wound Care “Evaluating the sensitivity, specificity, and clinical utility of algorithms of spatial variation in Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) for the diagnosis of deep and early-stage pressure-induced tissue damage” written by Steve Gershon and Henry Okonkwo. This is the final paper of the SEM Scanner foundational series and highlights the clinical accuracy and utility of the SEM Scanner in clinical practice.

Gershon S. et al. (2020). Evaluating the sensitivity, specificity, and clinical utility of algorithms of spatial variation in Sub-Epidermal Moisture (SEM) for the diagnosis of deep and early-stage pressure-induced tissue damage. Journal of Wound Care. Vol 30 (1) p41-53