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Systematic Reviews & Health Economics

This body of publications focuses on the systematic reviews of SEM assessment technology and confirms how sub-epidermal moisture is used to identify increased risk of pressure injury. Also included are health economic papers highlighting the cost effectiveness and efficiency of using SEM assessment technology.

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The Cost-Effectiveness of Sub-Epidermal Moisture Scanning to Access Pressure Injury in U.S. Health Systems.

Padula, W.V. et al. 2020. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management

Aim: Our objective was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of adopting sub-epidermal moisture scanners in comparison to existing hospital-acquired pressure injury prevention guidelines structured around subjective risk assessments.


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If you would like to discuss any of the clinical, health economic or real-world evidence on the website or would like further information on them the team would be happy to assist. Please contact us at:

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